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Addendum to Post Titled "Conscious Awareness"

This is a brief addendum to my previous post on Conscious Awareness.

In my previous post, I discussed how conscious awareness is the mechanism by which divinity comes to know its own humanity and by which human beings can come to recognize directly their own divinity.

Now, one of my favorite spiritual teachers is the Reverend Richard Rohr, a Franciscan monk based out of New Mexico. I receive daily emails that contain his writings. Just the other day, I was catching up on some of his posts. Recently, he has been discussing the historical roots and key spiritual teachings of all religions. Last week, he discussed Eastern Christianity. I found it very interesting to learn, especially in one post, that Eastern Christian theology at least in its early days, was non-dual.

In his next post, Rohr discussed the Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, something he has done previously.

Richard Rohr’s post on the Trinity led me to consider the Christian trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—in the context of my previous post. Not being a Christian scholar, my interpretation of the Trinity might not align with prevailing theology. The Father, to me, represents divinity itself; it is what we refer to as void or emptiness. The Son represents humanity in general, human beings in particular, and their experience of a phenomenal world. Finally, the interesting part is that, to me, the Holy Spirit represents conscious awareness. The Holy Spirit, therefore is the mechanism by which the Father comes to know its own humanity, and by which the Son comes to know of its own divinity.

More important, conscious awareness (The Holy Spirit) is the mechanism that allows for the experience and unification of the absolute asthe relative (The Father or the Divine as all phenomena), the relative as the absolute (The Son and all phenomena as the Divine) and finally, the falling away of both the absolute and the relative. The latter is when all duality is dropped. No more form or emptiness; no more absolute or relative; no more Father, Son, or Holy Spirit. There is just this.

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