Dragon's Pearl Sangha

You are not what you think!
The truth of what we really are is so evident as to be unrecognized by just about everyone. Suffering occurs because we identify with the story of 'me' and all of its conditioning, memories, beliefs, and ideas, and not with our original nature: the source of 'me'.
Recognizing the truth of what you really are is the beginning of the end of identification, and consequently, suffering.
Have you realized the truth of this directly?
The process of realizing your true nature is not difficult. Nor does it require years of following any particular path. All it takes is a sincere desire to see the truth.
Our approach
Dragon's Pearl Sangha utilizes an integrated non-sectarian approach involving the core principles and practices of both Zen Buddhism and non-duality.
Direct Pointing Sessions
Direct pointing sessions are private one-on-one video teleconferencing sessions (using Zoom) and are designed to assist you in directly realizing your true nature and are highly recommended for any individual who has a sincere desire to realize their true nature.
Direct pointing sessions cost $100 and last approximately one hour.
To schedule a session, please click the link below. This will direct you to PayPal. Add me to your PayPal contacts to be able to find me more easily in the future. To schedule a meeting, be sure to include a message that you'd like to schedule a session as well as your contact information. If you have questions, please email me using the contact form below.
Satsang is a term meaning to "gather together for the truth," or more simply, "being with the truth." It is used to refer to a group of like-minded individuals who engage in spiritual inquiry, meditation, and dialogue.
Online Satsang are held via Zoom and are approximately 2 hours long.
The cost for Satsang is $25 per meeting.
Note: There are no Satsang sessions currently scheduled.